日式布丁 - By Pey Yng

日式布丁 - By Pey Yng
A: 1) sugar 100g
2) Water 20g

3) Hot water 5g

B: 1) Eggs x 3
2) Egg yolk x 2
3) Milk 500g
4) Sugar 40g

1) put sugar into pot with the water and bring it to a boil. Once it becomes light brown, pour hot water in and give it a stir. Pour the caramel into the cups
2) dissolve part B sugar into 250g of milk. Mix the eggs, egg yolks with remaining 250g of milk. Once the sugar is dissolved in the milk. pour it into the egg mixture. Mix it well and strain it. Pour it into the cups.
3) Preheat oven to 150 degrees. use water bath to bake it for 20-25 mins4) once baked, cool it down and put it into the fridge happy baking

