Apple Cinnamon Bread Pudding 焗蘋果玉桂麵包布丁
Milk 60ml,
Evaporated milk (or whipping cream) 60ml,
1-2 tablespoons of condensed milk (or sugar 20g),
1 egg,
1-2 slices of toast,
Apple half,
1 teaspoon lemon juice,
1 teaspoon butter,
Granulated sugar 1 teaspoon
1 teaspoon rum,
Vanilla essential oil
1/2 tsp
A little cinnamon,
Raisins / dried cranberries little amount
- raisin / dried cranberries or rum soaked with water ( to avoid the process of baking coke off )
- diced apples , diced toast , beat the egg , preheat oven to 180 ℃
- milk, evaporated milk / light cream , condensed milk / sugar, vanilla oil over low heat in a pot of heated ( do not boil ) , stirring until the sugar melts slowly away from the fire , then pour the egg mixture while stirring mixed
- pour the liquid into the pudding soaked toast Ding
- put butter heated in a non-stick pan , pour apple pieces , 1 teaspoon sugar, cinnamon and lemon juice and stir over low heat until
Soft apples ( cinnamon and sugar components vary, can cook while tasting )
- toast pudding liquid , cooked cinnamon apples , raisins / dried cranberries stacked layers into a baking dish
- into the oven and steam oven for about 30 minutes, until the pudding solidification , golden toast
( Surface can be coupled with frosting and maple syrup )
材料:鮮奶 60ml,
花奶(或淡奶油) 60ml,
煉奶 1-2湯匙(或砂糖 20g),
雞蛋 1個,
吐司 1-2片,
蘋果 半個,
檸檬汁 1茶匙,
牛油 1茶匙,
砂糖 1茶匙,
朗姆酒 1茶匙,
肉桂粉 少許,
葡萄乾/蔓越莓乾 適量
1 葡萄乾/蔓越莓乾用水或朗姆酒浸泡(以免在烤的過程中焦掉)
2 蘋果去皮切丁,吐司切丁,雞蛋打散備用,預熱烤箱至180℃
3 鮮奶、花奶/淡奶油、煉奶/砂糖、雲呢拿精油在小鍋中慢火加熱(不用煮沸),慢慢攪拌至糖融化後離火,然後邊攪拌邊倒入蛋液混合
4 倒布丁液入吐司丁浸泡
5 放牛油在不粘鍋中加熱,倒入蘋果塊、1茶匙砂糖、肉桂粉和檸檬汁慢火翻炒至
6 將吐司布丁液、煮好的肉桂蘋果、葡萄乾/蔓越莓乾層層堆疊倒入烤盤中
7 放入烤箱隔水蒸焗大約30分鐘,待布丁液凝固,吐司金黃即可
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