chicken nuggets Love Nuggets - by May Seow

chicken nuggets Love Nuggets - by May Seow

Chicken breast-500g (stir into the meat cut into pieces or crushed) ~ I cook two chicken breasts, chopped ~

Corn flour-1tbsp
Salt -1 \ 2tsp
Soy sauce -1 \ 2tbsp
Sesame oil -1 \ 2tsp
Shaoxing -1 \ 2tsp
Pepper - to taste
Corn flour - to taste
Bread crumbs-300g + + (per ping me, probably need to use the weight)
-1 Egg (beaten) - I used two ~
1) Add seasonings and chicken pieces, mix corn flour glue to play, then marinated 4 hours or overnight. (I marinate overnight)
2) After the marinated chicken pieces to become rounded or rubbing their favorite style, dip corn flour, and then stained with egg, and finally coated with bread crumbs little by little flat. (I do heart-shaped mold shape, I do not squash)
3) Heat oil over medium heat until golden brown, remove and drain oil can.
Recipes from May Chong # #


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