Ginger Nian Gao & traditional Nian Gao - by Vonne VI

Ginger Nian Gao (with ratio 1:1:1)
~ done in 1 hour
~1 menthod use to eat by fried later
~1 menthod make to eat by steam later
This morning when i on my facebook ,i saw alot ppl made their nian gao today....make me so craving to eat nian gao ...
So i make 2 type of 1 hours nian gao same ingredients but different methods 😀i suppose to make this 3days b4 CNY ...
Ingredients (ratio 1:1:1)
100g sugar
100ml water
100g glutinous flour
100g ginger ( can be lesser if you dont want strong ginger taste ..can just put 1/2)~i put 50g only
(for fried)~darker colour
~the outface will be abit hard but soft inside so suitable for fried later
1) Blend the ginger with 50ml of water then sieve to take the juices
2)Put 50g sugar into dry wok or pan, melt sugar till caramelized (without stirring)~dont over cook ya..if not later will have bitter taste.Turn of the heat, add in the ginger juice and the remaining sugar and water (carefully pour in cause the. Caramelized sugar is very hot)
3)In a bowl mix in the glutinous flour and the sugar mixture.Stir untill no lump
4) Pour the batter into steaming container about 80% full and cover the top with cling wraps or Aluminum foil. Steam in high heat for 1 hour or untill well cooked
~For steam
~recomend to eat directly or coated with coconut
1) Put all the ingredients into a blender and blend untill smooth...
2) Sieve the batter and pour into a container. Cover the top with cling wrap or Aluminum foil and steam in high heat for 1 hour untill well cooked
~friendly guideline ** if your ginger is alot juices type pls add abit more of flour when mixing your batter...the batter should came out like yogurt***
~the difference is darker like outside selling nian gao..but the light colour will like eating muah chee so recomend coated with coconut or peanut powder

