Yogurt Parfait...healthy & delicious ! - by Kim Heahsk

Yogurt Parfait

-Any Fresh Fruits-

*Strawberry,Kiwi,Dragon Fruits, BlueBerry*

-Any Cereal-
*Nestle Fitness*

-Any Yogurt -
*Plain Yogurt*

*Raw Honey*

Method :
1) Prepare any fresh fruits you like, dice it or slice it .
2) Choose any of your favorite fruit and place it at the bottom of your cup then pour in honey.
3) After that add in yogurt .
4) Add in cereal and honey .
5) Repeating the same method with different layers of fruits until you top up your glass.

You can use any flavor of yogurt and if you like sweetness then pour more honey into it . You even can add some almond flakes on top for decoration.

