Air fry Almond crisp / 杏仁瓦片 - by Natalie Diana Khoo


2 large egg white (about 64g each with shell)

50g plain flour
60g castor sugar
30g butter (melted)
100g almond flakes
1/8 tsp vanilla essence (optional)
1 pcs cream cracker mashed to powder(my Secret recipe) hehe...
adding cream cracker will smell nicer


- Separate egg white and yolk.
- Sieve plain flour twice.
- Melt butter
- Mash cream cracker


Whisk egg white with a hand whisk until you see white bubbles. Add in sugar and beat until the sugar dissolves.
Add in flour and mix till lump-free.
Fold in 1/2 quantity almond flakes and cream cracker until well-combined.
Stir in melted butter and mix well.
Spoon mixture on the baking tray. Spread out into a round shape or any other shapes you like using a spoon.
Sprinkle the remaining flakes.
Bake at 170°C for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown.
Remove & leave to cool and then store into an air-tight container.

