Healthy version of SOUFFLE CHEESECAKE without Butter , Oil & cream of tartar \(^O^)/ \(^O^) / ❣

SOUFFLE CHEESECAKE credit to (Carol胡娟娟)
~by KimHeah
(A) (B)
Cake Flour 20g Cream Cheese 84g
Corn Flour 20g Fresh Milk 70g
Fresh Milk 50g Sugar 10g
Egg Yolk 3
Lemon Juice 1 tsp
Egg White 2
Sugar 30g
Lemon Juice 1/2 tsp
Method :
1) Add the sifted cake flour & corn flour into a bowl with 50g of milk and mix well.
2) Slowly add in yolks, lemon juice and mix well.
3) Melt the cream cheese, milk and sugar with pot on low heat, set aside .
4) Pour into the yolk mixture into the melted cream cheese batter and mix well.
5) Electric beater beat the (C) until soft peak form.
6) Pour ⅓ of meringue into cream cheese batter and fold well. And repeat the same method to the remaining meringue.
7) Pour the well mixture into a 6" round removeable base tin . Line the bottom and side with parchment paper.
8) Water Bath in preheated oven 180°C for 15 minutes and reduce to 120°C for 40 minutes or until cooked.
Notes :
I was using 8x8 square tin so i double the ingredients ! Good luck !!!


