Butter Rolls - by Caroline Tan

Butter Rolls
300g high protein flour
60g caster sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp instant dry yeast
1 egg ( A )
160-180ml water ( I'm using full cream milk )
60g butter
1 egg, beaten for glazing

Method ;
1) Put all ingredients ( except butter ) into a mixing bowl and mix into a dough. Add butter and beat until gluten is formed.
2) Cover with clean and damp towel and leave to proof for 1 hour till double in size.
3) Divide dough into 12 equal portions.
4) Roll out the dough into a cone shape, then roll into a long strip. Finally roll up neatly.
5) Place the rolls onto a baking tray. Cover with clean and damp towel and proof for another 1 hour. Brush with beater egg.
6) Bake the rolls in the preheated oven at 299•c for 12-15 minutes or until cooked. Remove and leave to cool before serving.

